Saturday, September 20, 2008

BGPS Notorious 6/1'06 ; Teachers' Day 2008

Eventhough not all notorians came on Teachers' Day 2008 ,
But it was still very fun , with most of them , and our bond still remained . (:
All had grown taller, and seem more matured . (:
Here are some group photos taken on that day .\
TakeOne ! Eh ! Wheres MrsLim ? aiyohh.. another one ar ! xP
TakeTwo ! Okay ! Not bad . MrsLim included already . Ohshiit ! Got one more camera . OOOPS ! another one. xD
TakeThree ! Okays Last one . ^^ Nicely taken . May our friendship last till forever alrights ? xD

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

02Sept2008 . EastZoneFrisbeeTournament 2008 !

Today, marked another exciting day of the year .
Its the EastZoneFrisbeeTournament 2008 !! xD

I bet everyone is like me, so excited for it for the past few days right ?
I am glad that its over , and of course , i am anticipating for next year ! ^^

We assembled in BGPS , to get ready for to go to WhiteSandsPri for the tournament !
6 Ex-Students : Wayne , Paul , Syafawanie , Hasfis , Veron and Me(Juliana) was there ! XD
Ai-Ling came to WhiteSandsPri to meet us after that , which means we had 7 Ex-Students !!

Our P4 team may be young and have little experience, but they showed good skills in the game .
They had good patience, and their movement were fast .
Hence , after much sweat were lost , our P4 team emerged as the CHAMPION!
CHEERS for them yeaa ! xD Way to go !

Our P5 team were great too !
They played like professional players , showing much experience from their previous tournament in 2007 .
Eventhough they lost to TanjongKatong and emerged as First Runner-Up , they had done well !
CHEERS for them too ! XDD

Lastly, eventhough our teachers did not manage to get anything back for us , its ok !
They had shown much skills too , sacrificing their morning for this !
so , CHEERS for them too ! They are our best teachers , arent they ?

This year is yet another fulfilling year for us , we shall do it next year too , shall we ?
Let our Frisbee Team grow and strive , and the "Alumni" team get bigger , can we ?

3Cheers and 3Cheers and 3Cheers to BG !
3Cheers and 3Cheers and 3Cheers to BG !
3Cheers and 3Cheers and 3Cheers to BG !


Relax TinLiang . Great Job ! Saw your effort, by the sweat . XD

Our teachers team , standing on the starting line to start the game ! ALL THE WAY !

our teachers getting ready ! JIAYOUS !

P4 DIV , score sheet ! GREAT JOB !

P4 DIV , Top 4 teams ! BGBGBG !

P5 DIV , Scoresheet ! We did well ! XD

P5 DIV , Top 4 teams ! BG !

our P5 team collecting their trophies ! XD

P4 and P5 team 2008 ! RHUP (red hot ultimate players) !

We are a big family !

This is where , we have fun together ! XD

Saturday, July 19, 2008


ready to pit it out and have a fun filled day again ?

DATE : 2nd September 2008
TIME : 7.30am - 12pm
VENUE : White Sands Primary

Sunday, June 8, 2008


The whole training, started with some short and interesting videos.
My eyes almost poped out when I saw them, as it was really very marvelous.
Then, it was time for us to show our skills !!

As some works are being done in the parade square, we had to go to the hall.
Despite the height limits, I guess all of us had fun.
{although i was rusty, i did had loads of fun !}

All of us were splitted up into 4 teams, with 5 in each team.
We played with each of the teams.

As there were only 5 in a team, we could have two groups playing at the same time.
This also meant that we could play afew more rounds, than only having one group playing at a time.

We ended the training,with a match.
Two teams were combined and formed into a team.
It was a 8 v 8 game, with 2 reserves from each team.
So, we played full court.
It was rather fun, as most of the time, we had to run long distances to get the disc.

I guess the training ended with much joy !
I too, enjoyed the whole 1h30min, of sweat and laughters.

Pictures !

Jump for It !
Nice catch ! Glad you did not miss it !
Run out and support the players !!!

Watching the play, with much concentration.
{when did u take this ?!}
I am ready for the disc to come ! - QiuJia
A yellow UFO in sight !!

Saturday, May 31, 2008


wow ! 4 alumnis from '06 , came for the training !! cool ~
they are : hongming , kyle , ailing and shafura ! XDD great ! hahas !
i guess it would be fun, as the number of alumnis increased..
how i wished i was there too !

new drills which emphasized on the agility were introduced too !
i predict, that time would have passed very fast, when there was fun . am i right ? XD

game was played, but the scoring was different, in which it required alot of acuracy in the throws. instead of throwing the disc to another person, to score, one has to score by hitting the disc at the cones, placed at the end of the zones. cool ~
i guess, the feeling of missing, would feel as though a striker had missed an open goal, in a soccer match. the new format, would be quite fun, which will give a fresh feeling of the game, and re-understand the game. XD

A penalty was also given (trying to hit the cones with the disc), as the teams had a draw.
I presume, that abit of MrTan's creavity would have made the training and playing more interesting for everyone. xD Most importantly, everyone had fun ! XD

Also, CONGRATULATIONS, to Kyle for coming in second place in the national squash tournament !

Ailing and Shafura, very engrossed in the game. I guess its due to a long period of time, not playing frisbee . RIGHT ?
GOOD JOB ! a high flyer, by Kyle ! skills still not rusty huh ? XD {woobly legs . gt fall dwn ? }
another high flying act ! by kevin , disciple of Kyle ? anyways, good job , nice flexibility !
players lining up nicely, for a friendly ! XDnice one HongMing ! the disc was so fast, that the camera was unable, to capture.
just in time SungJoon ! almost missed it. Kyle and Regina was taken aback, by the wonderful catch .
unknown UFO alert !!
Combined 2008 , June !
it just feel so great, to see the large number of players .

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


hey guys !

I guess training was fun today.. right ?

I wasn't able to make it there, but I guess it was fun, with some of the alumni from 2006, turning up.. ThankYou Kyle and HongMing ! XD

I bet you guys have enjoy.. am i right ? hahas..

hmm.. I guess we had some small sided games, which included captains ball, so as to warm ourselves up, from the long time for not playing. Also, new passing and receiving game have been introduced, for our gameplay to improve, I guess.

Some shots are being captured by MrTan, and I guess it was superb !
Good Job ! XDD

Photos :
wow ! everyones anxious, if it has been catched or not ! XDD nice one !

OM ! e pose is like.. soso nice.. looks like e picture on the first frisbee tee .. rite ? XD
nice dive !! XDD idk who is this.. can someone tell me ? psps..
game time ! nice jump regina !! XD
good job ! marcus again ! XD
marvelous ! two people, fighting for a ball ! XD

Friday, May 23, 2008

June Holiday Trainings

The training dates for this June holiday, is out !!

1st week :
Wednesday (28/5) and Friday (30/5)
2nd week :
Monday (2/6) and Wednesday (4/6)

For all trainings, time will be : 8.30am - 10am

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Updates ~

As we are buzy training, our teachers have also went for courses to teach us frisbee better ! XD
On 19th March , our school teachers, Mr Tan and Mr Dzar,
went for the MOE lifestyle event , frisbee workshop,
conducted by SFS instructors , Ms Jo and Eugene .

Here there is one picture, featuring Mr Dzar. XD

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Today, is our second, as well as last
training for our march holiday.
I guess it ended well,
even though today's attendance is nt as good,
and there have been a heavy rain, its all okays. XD
Its great to see juniors all coming, hope to see you guys soon ! XD

Photos Today :

nice pass ! XDD

support ur team mate !

*phew* nice catch ! Sung-Joon !

see e frisbee ? prepare to catch it !

wow ~ ! u went over the cone ! hahas. nice one

nice forehand mr tan ! XD
"demostrating" our "new game"
lets put it in use ! XD
small space, but its ok .
"circle 1"
"circle 2"
Okays . Thats all for the update !
Enjoy the rest of your holidays ! XD

Monday, March 10, 2008


10th March ' 08, marks our first march holiday training.
another one coming up on the 12th March .
So, for those who dint turn up on 10th ,
Hope that you guys will turn up on the 12th .

Overall, for today's training, it is fabulous.
Most of us turned up,
With 2 sec1s and 5 sec2s
As an "alumni", seeing my juniors,
I can feel that the new batch is getting better and better.
The standards are higher, and I hope that we will achieve good results,
in the tournament, which may be coming up, during the septembers.

Here are some photos I have taken, and the group picture .
Quality is not very good .

Demostration .

Training . In Progress (Bottom)

Training . In Progress (Top)

Nice Catch Mr Tan ! XD
Combined 2008 (some who turned up, left early)