they are : hongming , kyle , ailing and shafura ! XDD great ! hahas !
i guess it would be fun, as the number of alumnis increased..
how i wished i was there too !
new drills which emphasized on the agility were introduced too !
i predict, that time would have passed very fast, when there was fun . am i right ? XD
game was played, but the scoring was different, in which it required alot of acuracy in the throws. instead of throwing the disc to another person, to score, one has to score by hitting the disc at the cones, placed at the end of the zones. cool ~
i guess, the feeling of missing, would feel as though a striker had missed an open goal, in a soccer match. the new format, would be quite fun, which will give a fresh feeling of the game, and re-understand the game. XD
A penalty was also given (trying to hit the cones with the disc), as the teams had a draw.
I presume, that abit of MrTan's creavity would have made the training and playing more interesting for everyone. xD Most importantly, everyone had fun ! XD
THANKYOU MrTan ! Also, CONGRATULATIONS, to Kyle for coming in second place in the national squash tournament !

it just feel so great, to see the large number of players .